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Mittwoch, 11. November 2020

10:00 h (CET)     Opening of the Graz Conference

Words of Welcome by Martin Polaschek (Rector of the University of Graz)

Words of Well-Wishing for the Conference by Peter Seixas (University of British Columbia, Vancouver)

10:15 – 10:30 h    Introduction to the Program and the Organization of the Conference: Bettina Paireder, Alois Ecker (both Univ. of Graz)

10:30 – 11:00 h    General Aims of the Conference: The Core Concepts of History Education / History Didactics in Intercultural Perspective: Approaches and Questions: Alois Ecker (Univ. of Graz, Univ. of Vienna)

11:00 – 12:00 h    The Future of History Didactics. Challenges and Responses Today: Jörn Rüsen (Bochum)

12:00 – 12:30 h    Panel / Comments
by Arthur Chapman (UCL London), Anna Clark (TU Sydney), Maria Grever (Univ. Rotterdam), Wulf Kansteiner (Univ. Aarhus) and Estevão De Rezende Martins (Univ. Brasília), Jörn Rüsen (Bochum)


13:30 – 14:30 h    Section I: Historical Consciousness in Intercultural Perspective I

Chair: Alois Ecker

  • Historical consciousness and identity formation: Mutual dependency: Estevão De Rezende Martins (Univ. Brasília)
  • History of the concept ‘historical consciousness’. Problems and definitions, narration,time, ontologies, constructivism: Jörg Van Norden (Univ. Bielefeld)
  • Historical consciousness: The tension between national identity building and intercultural orientation: Maren Lytje (Univ. College of Northern Denmark)
  • Difficult history: Developing historical consciousness in post conflict settings – the example of post-apartheid South Africa: Natascha Robinson (Univ. of Oxford)

14:30 – 15:00 h    Panel Discussion: Historical Consciousness: New and open questions, challenges for the near future 

15:00 – 16:00 h    Section I: Historical Consciousness in Intercultural Perspective II 

Chair: Maria Grever

  • A broader canvas? Enhancing young people’s historical consciousness via online intercultural exchange: Liz Dawes Duraisingh (GSE Harvard Univ.)
  • Multiples pasts. Historical consciousness among second generation immigrants: Luigi Cajani (Univ. di Roma)
  • In search of postcolonial historical consciousness: Branford Abigail (Univ. of Oxford)
  • Portuguese and British history teachers’ historical consciousness and identity – different perspectives and profiles: Marilia Gago (Univ. of Porto, Univ. of Minho)

16:00 – 16:45 h    Panel Discussion: Historical Consciousness: New and open questions, challenges for the near future 


17:00 – 17:45 h    Section II: Historical Thinking in Intercultural Perspective I

Chair: Carla Peck

  • Conceptualizing historical thinking in Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom: A comparative approach: Lindsay Gibson (UBC Vancouver)
  • Intercultural narratives and historical thinking. Tensions and future challenges: Mario Carretero (Univ. Autónoma de Madrid)
  • “Navigating social worlds”. Operationalizing a comprehensive methodology that examines historical consciousness and its impact on epistemic positioning for intercultural dialogue and understanding: Paul Zanazanian (MacGill Univ. Montreal)


18:00 – 19:00 h    Section II: Historical Thinking in Intercultural Perspective II

Chair: Kenneth Nordgren

  • Sociocultural influences on history education research: Looking closely at identity: Carla Peck (Univ. Alberta)
  • De-Construction or Evaluating History - A Comparison of Different Traditions on the Same Subject of Historical Learning: Arthur Chapman (UCL London) / Christoph Kühberger (Univ. of Salzburg)
  • Revisiting Lexington Green: Implications for teaching historical thinking: Lightning Jay (Univ. Pennsylvania)

19:00 – 20:00 h    Panel Discussion: Historical Thinking: New and open questions, challenges for the near future 


Univ.-Prof.i.R. Mag. Dr.phil.

Alois Ecker

Institut für Geschichte
Heinrichstraße 26/VI
8010 Graz

Institut für Geschichte
Heinrichstraße 26/VI
8010 Graz

Benjamin Ecker

Institut für Geschichte
Heinrichstraße 26/II
8010 Graz

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