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Mario Carretero

Mario Carretero is Professor of Psychology and Education at the Autonoma University of Madrid. He is also a researcher at FLACSO-Argentina.

He has received the Guggenheim Scholarship to write his book Constructing Patriotism (2011, translated into Spanish and Portuguese) and the Santander Scholarship of the Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies (Harvard University) to conduct research in the field of teaching Social Sciences and History. He has also been a visiting professor at Stanford University and at La Sapienza (Rome).

He is the editor History Education and the Construction of National Identities (2012) and The Palgrave Handbook of Research on Historical Culture and Education (2017).


Univ.-Prof.i.R. Mag. Dr.phil.

Alois Ecker

Institut für Geschichte
Heinrichstraße 26/VI
8010 Graz

Institut für Geschichte
Heinrichstraße 26/VI
8010 Graz

Benjamin Ecker

Institut für Geschichte
Heinrichstraße 26/II
8010 Graz

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