Poster Presentations
Agnes Beretzky (Károli Gáspár University Budapest, Hungary)
Interpreted Past, Meaningful Present, Oriented Future: Applied Political Philosophy in History Education at a University Level
Listen to the presentation of the Poster of Agnes Beretzky.
Graça Vânia Gabriela Dias (University of Minho, Portugal)
The Promotion of Historical Consciousness in an Emerging Learning Environment: a Study with Elementary School Students
Listen to the presentation of the poster of Vânia Gabriela Dias Graça.
Hanna-Liis Kaarlõp-Nani (Tallinn University, Estonia)
History Teaching in Culturally Diverse Society: Controversial Topics and Teachers’ Epistemc Beliefs
Hiromi Kawaguchi (Hiroshima University, Japan) (Kopie 1)
Can Second-Order Concepts Change the Japanese History Classroom? A Case Study of Japanese History Teachers
Jochen Kirchhoff (University of Erfurt, Germany)
Teaching Historical Time in the Netherlands, Great Britain and Germany: Culture Specific or Transnational Strategies?
Daniel Carlos Knoll (Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada)
Research on History Didactics of a Teacher as an Example of an Intercultural Approach to Historical Consciousness in Brazilian Academia.
Laszlo Kojanitz (University of Szeged, Hungary)
Jaroslav Najbert (Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, Prague, Czech Republic) (Kopie 1)
Czech Intersections: A History Textbook for 21st Century
Listen to the prersentation of the poster of Jaroslav Najbert.
Johanna Norppa / Tanja Taivalantti (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Mare Oja (Talinn University)
Gildas Riant (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris 3)
Colonial Photography in French, German, and Austrian History Textbooks from the Eighties on. Towards Postcolonial History Didactics?
Conference Office
Alois Ecker
Institute of History
Heinrichstraße 26/II
8010 Graz
Institute of History
Heinrichstraße 26/II
8010 Graz
Benjamin Ecker
Institute of History
Heinrichstraße 26/II
8010 Graz
+43 699 19221739
Bettina Paireder
Alois Ecker
Benjamin Ecker