Biao Yang
Biao Yang is historian, Professor of History and History Education at East China Normal University, Shanghai, China. He was a Fulbright Scholar in the University of California, Los Angeles; a Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science at University of Tokyo; an Australia-China Council Fellow in Deakin University, Australia; a Visiting Fellow at the Northeast Asia History Foundation, Korea, and held a Fellowship of Korea Foundation.
Professor Yang’s main research interests are (a) history education, (b) History Reconciliation, (c) the controversies on school history textbooks, (d) history curriculums and textbooks. His recent publications include: Yang Biao (2015) China in Japan’s History Textbooks, Guangzhou: Guangdong People’s Publishing House; Yang Biao (2013) (eds with Un-Suk Han, Takahiro Kondo and Falk Pingel) History Education and reconciliation, Peter Lang Press.
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8010 Graz
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Alois Ecker
Benjamin Ecker